MCKL Gathering 18.7.2013
Friday, July 18, 2014 | 10:41 PM

Summer.. Summer.. Summer.. Summer.. SUMMER!
Yes, it's finally summer break for those friends who went to study abroad and guess what? THEY ARE BACK! A gathering was planned by Sarah all the way from Australia before she even depart from there to KL. Appreciated much. Therefore, no matter how busy am I, still, I went just to see their faces although it was just in few hours even though I have to take public transport to workplace and I have important finals two days later. Well, precious moments with friends are more important than works or exams.
Tumpang my brother's car and reached Pavillion early in the morning before anyone else (I meant my friends). Waited for an hour or two for them to reach the destinations. Whatever times I've wasted there instead of studying, I would definitely say that I was all worth it when I can just hug and see the smiles of my friends' faces after so long. Yes, it's quite long since after we've graduated from AUSMAT. Wanna see how brightly we smile when we see each other? Here you go..

Tuck Onn & Andrew
Forever wearing white Nicole
with her boyfie, Yong Wen

Mr. Tiong
The hamsap Mark and Tuck again
Soh poh Jin Hui
This is what we usually do when we're together. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
SARAH!!! The cute voice girl
Jia Veeeeern!
Nadia, Nellie & Sharron joined in :D
Suppose to meet more friends in the late evening and at night but I have to go to work already. It's okay. That's fate. Hope to meet them again :D